
    I'm originally from Southern Connecticut, but now live in South Jersey with my husband and three children. My debut picture book, POISON APPLE PIE, is now available through MeeGenius Children’s Books.
    Look for my second picture book, A CHERRY TOMATO ON TOP, available on Amazon.com, from Willow Moon Publishing.

What's next? BABY BUG'S YAWN in April of 2014 with MeeGenius Inc.

Have any questions? I'd love for you to leave a comment.  Thanks!

Guest appearances and Interviews

My first author interview on Sarah Perry's blog -  The Restless Writer

My marketing question was on Susanna's blog feature Oh Susanna - Susanna Leonard Hill

Guest blogger on Bethany Telles blog for I Ponder Wednesdays - Perched in a Tree

Guest post on Julie Hedlund's 12 x 12 series - Julie Hedlund

My Pitch on Susanna's blog for her Would You Read It? feature - Susanna Leonard Hill

I was interviewed on Deidra Eden's blog -  A Storybook World

I was interviewed on Rena J. Traxel's blog -   On the Way to Somewhere...
A High Five interview on Christie Wild's blog - Write Wild
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